Runway Safe Group is a fast growing entrepreneurial Swedish company specialized in runway safety – saving human lives, protecting assets and infrastructure in case of an accident.
Runway Safe was founded in 2014 after years of research and development to provide the market with a reliable aircraft arresting system – the greenEMAS – which fulfills the strict requirements of the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) and the ICAO guidelines related to global RESA requirements.
What makes your products / services stand out?
Runway Safe provides not only an innovative EMAS solution, but the world’s first and only sustainable EMAS – a durable solution based on recycled materials. The primary material is a light-weight aggregate foam made from recycled glass – foam glass.
What brings you to the EXPO this year?
Runway Safe wants to share the awareness and necessity of EMAS, Engineered Material Arresting System, to everyone in the aviation industry. We are at the Airport Exchange to educate airports, pilots, authorities, airport consultants and others about EMAS and in particular the Runway Safe greenEMAS safety solution!
Why should visitors come to your stand and what can they expect to see?
The Runway Safe greenEMAS will additionally to safety, also ensure RESA-compliance of your runway and enable additional airport revenues via more traffic and higher payloads. We are at the Airport Exchange to explain how we together can make this possible!
Which technology or trend do you think will have the biggest impact on the air transport industry in 2019?
Safety of course!